Friday, March 23, 2007

.07% SPOILERS!!!!!!

For Heroes fans, April 23rd is a long ways off. That is how long you will have to wait for the new episode of Heroes to air. Now, we are pleased to present something that will make April 23rd seem a whole lot further off, a blow by blow description of the first few minutes of Heroes .07%. Read on to torture yourself.

When we left Nathan and Lindermann, the mysterious mobster was offering Nathan the keys to the White House. He also was fessing up to having full knowledge of the specials and their powers, including Nathan and his Brother. When Heroes returns, Lindermann will continue that monologue by admitting that he himself has powers. He discovered this a long time ago, and at the time tried to form a collective of similarly affected people to bring their powers together for good. But some of them got greedy and formed a splinter group.

Lindermann leads Nathan into his art gallery, without revealing his powers I might add, and shows him Isaacs paintings. Lindermann reveals that the ability to paint the future is not unique to Isaac, in fact it goes way back in history. Their ascension was foretold in the days of the ancients.Amongst the paintings is one of Nathan in the White House, presumably as President. Nathan points out the bomb in New York and asks if what Lindermann has in mind is worth all that destruction. At this point Lindermann pulls the title of the episode out and states that the people that die in that explosion will be .07% of the population, a small price to pay for the new order that Nathan and his team of 'specials' will bring to the world.

Okay so now we know pretty much where the Heroes story is going, the question is just what is Lindermann's depth? Is Primatech the greedy offshoot, or is there yet another group of specials. April 23rd seems a little farther away now, doesn't it.

- Jon Lachonis, BuddyTV Senior Writer(source

(Image courtesy NBC)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Watch with Kristen: Oh what Heroic Goodness (plus a spoiler or two)

Oh, what Heroic goodness!

The entire cast showed up to the Paley Festival's Heroes night, and let me tell you, having all those superheroes in one place is almost too much deliciousness to bear—especially when they're all dishing out hugs and kisses and compliments. (Yeee! How does a cast so scorchingly hot stay so cool?!)
Of course, since this is the hottest dang show on television right now, we had much to discuss, and you can see some of it in the video clip on this page. (Since there were 12 interviews altogether—and all of them good—I'll also be sharing more with you in the coming weeks to tide you over while we wait for the show's Apr. 23 return.)

As for what happened inside the panel Q&A with fans, here's what we learned:

Masi Okay! Masi Oka told us he connected with Hiro immediately, saying, "Hiro Nakamura was a guy I could totally relate to. He had to be fluent in Japanese, comedic and have ample experience in American television. I'm like, this is such a niche role—if not this, what else am I going to get?"

Education of Little Tree: Masi also spilled that he invented Hiro's "Yatta!" exclamation, but not before muddling through some mixed-up Japanglish. He told us, "When I was going through the script, the first time Hiro's successful, he says bonsai, and it was so hard for me to grasp that, because the word bonsai in Japanese means little tree. Little tree? I was trying to wrap my head around it, and finally I realized, Oh, he's trying to say banzai! Later, on set, I was like, I don't want to be a diva and change your words, but, uh…I don't think you want me to say little tree...[And] banzai usually has either a wartime connotation or [it's something you say] when you're really drunk. So, I asked Tim if I could change it, and he said 'Go to town,' and I [said] 'Yatta!' and that became one of Hiro's things."

Pretty Fly for a White Guy: Adrian Pasdar came up with Nathan Petrelli's hot-feet landing when he first hit the deck after his flying out of the clutches of HRG and the Haitian. Adrian told us, "The first time I did it out in the desert I did land like that, and the director looked at me like, What are you doing?! And I said, 'I don't have superfeet.' [Furthermore,] it would be cold up there, and I wanted to have bugs in my teeth. They said no to that, but I got away with the feet skidding on the ground...You want to counter the unbelievability aspect of it—the superhero aspect of it—with the reality of it."

Prime Ribbing: Hayden Panettiere said of her oh so resilient character Claire Bennet, "My character's like a meat: She gets stir-fried, filleted and broiled."

Character Issues: Someone asked Tim Kring how he came up with the superpowers he wanted to be featured on the show, and Tim said, "I came at [the superpowers] from the idea of character. I thought of the characters first, and then backed into what I thought their power would be...For instance, the Niki Sanders character. I wanted a story about a single mother who was stretched really thin...And I literally started thinking about that power—that power was originally being two places at the same time and this idea of a doppelgänger character. That's sort of a classic example of how I backed into the characters. Masi's character...when we first meet him he's in a sea of cubicles that seems to go on forever, and I thought an interesting power for someone [living] a life they didn't want was the ability to transport themselves out of that somehow, which led me to the idea of teleportation."

Sylar's on the Move! Another fan inquired about the whereabouts of Sylar, aka Zachary Quinto. After a couple of jokes from the other castmembers about how Sylar likes to stay elusive, Hayden volunteered, "He's moving houses, and he has to get everything packed by Monday," to which Greg Grunberg quipped, "He asked us all for help, and we were like, Sorry, man...We got a panel!" Score 1 for the fans; 0 for Sylar. Boo-yah.

—Additional reporting by Jennifer Godwin

Now for those spoilers from Kristin:

Andy in Calabasas, California: I am in awe of Zachary Quinto of Heroes. Any chance he'll get to be a series regular? Yes! I’m told he will be made a series regular for season two. Great news for us fans; not so great news for his prey!

Erica in Farmington, Texas: Heroes is the best show on TV!! What can you tell me?I just met up with the entire cast on Saturday night, and let me tell you, I was like a pig in poo. Ridiculous fun. I’ll be bringing you the scoop from that later today or tomorrow, with the latest video clip and column item from the Paley Festival, so stay tuned!

Kelly in Philadelphia: Please tell me Heroes will not take the Lost approach and start killing off original castmembers and adding new ones to take up airtime! I hated when Lost did that, and Heroes seems to be taking that approach with less than interesting new Heroes Hana and Candice. Mmmm...Sadly, I can't tell you that. I don't think it looks so good for some of this season's more peripheral Heroes.

Monday, March 5, 2007


Recap: Like any Parasite (ep 18)
Isaac started shooting at Peter as he felt that Peter was responsible for
Simone's death. Peter turned invisible and ran off.

A couple of FBI agents spoke to Nathan about exposing Linderman by
going undercover. Peter witnessed this as he was invisible, and started to see
his brother in a different light. Nathan told Peter to go to Mohinder as he was
working on a cure, and would have been able to help Peter out. Nathan also said
that he would make an anonymous phonecall telling the police about Simone's
death, leading them to Isaac.Hiro tried to enter the Linderman casino, but was
stopped by the guards, who through him out. He asked Nathan to help him sneak
in, which Nathan did.

Hiro then went to the curator of Linderman's private museum to deliver the
painting of him and the dragon. When the curator went to get a receipt, Hiro
searched for the sword, and found it, but was caught by the curator. The curator
triggered a security alarm, and a security guard came and knocked the curator
unconscious. The guard was Ando, who had followed Hiro, and taken a job as a
guard at Linderman's casino. With the sword, Hiro and Ando teleported out of the
casino and and into the future on the rooftop of the Deveux building after the
nuclear explosion.

The charred remains of New York were shown.

Jessica left a picture of Nathan on her pillow, which was found by DL, and
that made him suspicious/jealous. In the meantime, Nathan coordinated with the
FBI agents who planted a wire on him so that they could get Linderman to
incriminate himself.

Jessica entered their room after Nathan left, and killed them. She then met
up with Nathan, but by this time, Niki had taken over. She warned Nathan, and
told him that the FBI agents were dead, and thant Linderman knew a lot more. She
asked Nathan to punch her unconscious and take her gun so that he could kill
Linderman. Nathan confronted Linderman pointing his gun at him. Linderman told
Nathan that he knew that Nathan could fly, and about Peter, and others that were
special. He also told Nathan that he would be in the White house in two years,
but all this would not be possible if Nathan killed him. Nathan lowered his

Thompson questioned HRG, but was unable to get any information. Behind a
one-way mirror, Matt confirmed that HRG was telling the truth. HRG went home and
discovered that his wife knew the truth, and started confiding in her. Candice
came to his house regarding another assignment. They flew over to New York to
see Isaac, where they found the police about to enter his apartment in order to
find Simone. Candice took on the shape of Simone and fooled the police, thereby
saving Isaac.

HRG flew back to his family in Texas. He spoke to his wife, confiding in
her, and then, it turned out that it was Candice masquerading as Mrs. Bennet,
and Thompson and a couple of other agents took HRG away.Claire and the Haitian
drove aimlessly until the Haitian called someone and got fake passports and
international tickets, intending to leave the country with Claire.

However, Claire ditched him at the airport, and went to find Peter
Petrelli. At Peter's apartment, Mama Petrelli opened the door and invited Claire
in, telling her that she was her grandmother. The Haitian was already at the
apartment.Mohinder drugged Sylar using tea laced with curare. It was shown that
Mohinder read a newspaper article showing Zane Taylor was found dead, and hence
became suspicious. Mohinder hooked Sylar to an IV of Curare, so that he was
unable to use his powers. Mohinder then extracted some of Sylar's spinal fluid
(the comment "This is going to hurt"), and then used it to solve the gene
sequencing puzzle.

He stated that he would now be able to identify anyone who was special. In
the meantime, unknown to Mohinder, Sylar stopped the IV using telekinesis, and
then, once the effects had worn off, freed himself.Peter went to Mohinder's
apartment, and didn’t find anything. Near the wall, a drop of blood fell on him.
He looked up, and saw Mohinder nailed to the roof with kitchen utensiles. In an
dying voice, Mohinder warned Peter about Sylar. Sylar appeared and pushed Peter
to the wall using telekinesis. Then he used telekinesis to start slicing open
Peter's forehead, and at that point, the episode ended.

See ya in April!

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