Heroes Volume 3 is called “Villains”. If you want to see Sylar’s sneak peek video and read interview with Tim Kring make sure you read our Volume 3 preview post.
Please keep in mind that nothing has been written and all of this is the “current” plan the writers have for the show. There is plenty of things that can change between now and whenever the show returns.You can subscribe to our mailing list and have new Volume 3 spoilers as all other posts sent directly to your inbox. It’s free of course.
What was supposed to happen In Volume 2
Kristen Bell was originally supposed to be in 8 episodes and then killed off but due to fan support they are keeping her around for a bit longer
Elle was setup as a Bob’s step daughter and the daughter of Meredith which in turn would have been Claire’s SISTER but they dropped it due to lack of storyline and plot holes.
Bob was supposed to be more evil then he is now and even recruited his son West to make Claire turn against her father this was dropped early in Volume 2 for “various reasons”.
Nathan’s entire speech was rewritten. He was supposed to give a speech regarding the virus getting out where he mentions the word “Powerless”. Originally, he was supposed to get sick not “killed”.
New Villains
Volume 3 will have a legion of villains that will possibly join forces against the Heroes.
Tim Kring about Villains ”We’ve introduced a cadre of them over the course of the show and we’re going to see them rise up. Just as the heroes have found each other to save the world, the villains will do the same with the opposite intent.” And their numbers may be legion. “The Company has catalogued many of these people over the years. There may be more of them down in that basement than we have alluded to so far.”
A new villain named Knox ( frightening and intense, with the eyes of a predator ) returns to his native city of New Orleans -the criminal territory he used to run before he was sent to prison. This puts him directly in the path of Micah, his great-aunt Uhura and Monica Daniels.
The latest actor to join the show for its second season is Jessica Collins , who will take on a recurring role. Collins will play Sophie, a mysterious woman with powers who works at the organization that is tracking all heroes. Villain or not?How can she track them? Is she working for Company? Her name can’t be read in the picture of 12 (Picture)
Niki, Nathan and Adam – Are they really gone?
David Anders ( Adam ) will definitely return and he will meet a new friend!
About Niki and Nathan ( Ausiello – TV Guide) “One of them is definitely not dead. The jury’s still out on the other.”
Adrian Pasdar ( Nathan) says: “I wish I could share with you all the future for Nathan… But, as you all well know, mum IS the word. Who could possibly have shot me? The REAL answer to that question is very, very interesting. I promise.”
Mum ( Angela ) is the word?
The production and writing staff is somewhat split as to whether Nathan should return to the show. Fans will decide?
Kristin said: “Heroes without the brothers would be like Prison Break or Brothers and Sisters without the brothers: a waste of time! Surely Claire’s blood can save her own father, right?! Let’s say a little prayer for the older Petrelli, shall we?” and I (we) agree…
There are rumors floating around that Niki’s evil alter ego Jessica will be a part of the Volume 3 and not Niki.
What lies ahead
Micah’s storyline will end also
Zachary Quinto (Sylar) will be more badass then ever and when we come back he will kill a star on the show. Now, with the strike dragging on, he’ll likely be done playing young Spock by the time Heroes returns to production.
“Badass” Future Hiro will make another appearance and will also be seen in another “future” episode of Heroes.
You might see a woman from Japan coming into Ando’s life pretty soon. It’s the second half of the season that gets really interesting for Ando - He wouldn’t confirm that said love interest would be Hiro’s sister. Is she?
Down the road, fans will learn what are Mr. Nakamura’s powers (and yes, “are” is a key word here)
Return of some characters from the Season one like Claude ( the invisible guy)
Angela is loaded with secrets, some of which will definitely be revealed in the second half of the season. Interpret that as you like.
Though Israeli freedom fighter Hana died in Heroes graphic novel, her consciousness survives. “We will see her again on the show at some point,” promises Jeph Loeb.
Monica will take centre stage as a story arc about her being St Joan unfolds.
additional spoilers:
When Heroes does return next season, we’ll get back to the season-one characters everyone loved, but they’re also still planning on doing the big Villains arc, and the superpowers of those villains are supposedly all kinds of awesome.
Kristen Bell, David Anders, Adrian Pasdar and Ali Larter are all back as series regulars
…well, that was surprising….
From video footage of the Volume 3 “Villains.” (Jules Verne Festival)
video link
Angela: “The prisoners who escaped on level five are the most dangerous. The most powerful. Rapists. Arsonists. Killers.”
Angela Petrelli has moved into a powerful role at The Company
There’s also a scene in which most of the major Heroes are all dead. Described by Noah Bennet like “12 Sylars running free,” the shots shows Peter (Milo Ventimiglia) as a corpse in a pool of blood, Hiro (Masi Oka) been pinned to the wall with his own sword and Matt Parkman (Greg Grunberg) with his throat torn open.
Knox, new villain seems to have preternatural speed–and used that to rip a cop’s heart out of his chest. ( More about him Knox )