Also by now you know that all the pleading, begging, cajoling, and such may have been for naught. Heroes only did a 2.0/5 in the 18-49 "money demo," and 4.41 million viewers overall, the second lowest rated program from the big 5 of the night (the host of THE lowest rated show was probably still scarfing Letterman's chips).
Not a good sign to an programming executive running a network in free-fall panic.
So for we who still believe this show is pretty much the only reason we have left to own a television set, things look gloomy.
But believe it or not, there is still hope. We still got a shot.
And it is a realistic one IF WE don't panic and look at all of the options Claire and the specials have. And they are many.
Stay the course..
Have NBC simply bite the big one and give us one last season. Claire's jump DID change everything...the entire paradigm of the series shifted with the act that pretty much opened this in the first place. The specials have now been what. This might be the thing that will revive the show IF the stories are told right and there is more action and heroics and less trying to get an Emmy.
Move the show...and make it an event..
Starting now, you have as many as 12 months to get this right. Of course there are some things you'll have to trying to keep Hayden away from the CW as an actress (she is producing HMS for the former WB), but it can be done.
Then you make the show into an event, after the NFL season...put it on Sundays and build it up. The competition is not that keen on that night, and even if it falters, you have a great way to give the series the send off if deserves.
Move it to SyFy...
It makes sense. NBC owns the cable channel. And even if the audience is cut in half, it would still be about the same as BSG in its last season.
Move it to USA...
Comcast seems to want to make USA their flagship, not NBC. It can be packages with WWE Raw to keep it on Monday nights. Again, 4.3 million can get you canned at a broadcast network, but on a cablenet, it would make you look like a genius.
Offer it to another broadcast network.
Iffy at best. CBS, no way. ABC? They're still trying to make V work. FOX? Possibly, but after being burned by Sarah Connor and Dollhouse, they may just take their one SciFi hit Fringe and be happy with it. The CW, however, would LOVE to have that 4.3 million. And since they now have Hayden as a producer anyway....
And if worse comes to worse....
You might want to ask the guy who plays Kaito what happened when a similar situation befell an NBC show with a bug cult following. They decided to do a movie. Eleven in fact. And these movies did make a buck or two.
Or maybe ask Zackary Q. Right now he seems to be the only one in the cast with job security.
The one thing, though....
We have kept this going and going. We can still do this. Sign the petition ( Follow the actors on Twitter and Facebook. Support former Heroes in their movies and series. And let them know that the show we love, like the Cheerleader, is truly indestructable.