Monday, September 8, 2008

Hot Kristen Spoilers

Fresh spoilage from Kristen from E!:

Nathaniel in Washington, D.C.: What can you tell me about Heroes' future?

Let's see...Matt Parkman's (Greg Grunberg) future is drawn for him by an African bushman, and in the world's future, the sky is full of people who can fly. It'll be just like The Jetsons! Except, you know, no flying contraptions needed. This is a future I'm looking forward to 'cause the traffic on the 405 is killing me.

Emma in Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Can you tell me anything more about Ali Larter's character's powers on Heroes?

You know the reporter played by William Katt of Greatest American Hero who confronts "Tracy Strauss" (Ali Larter) with evidence that she's actually "Niki Saunders"? Well, there's a reason he's only in one episode, and that reason is that someone kills him by accident. (Wait a minute, could Ali be playing a character with a lethal power? Noooo!) Also, after Tracy begins to believe the reporter might be right about her real identity, she sets off to find the doctor who delivered her, in hopes that he can tell her more about her origins. She finds out at summer camp she has an identical twin, and they set off on a mischievious but adorable mission to get their parents to reunite. Or wait, that last sentence may have been from another story.(LOL)

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