Monday, September 27, 2010

The Event S1E2: To Keep Us Safe

The Event is the newest show to leave you guessing and wanting more at the end of an episode. Last week's episode ended with questions, and this week's is supposed to have answers.

Where's the Plane?

When the plane disappeared in mid-air, it traveled to the desert, where it makes a rough landing. They realize part of the plane is on fire and everyone evacuates. Michael tells Sean that four days earlier, he was kidnapped and forced to fly the plane because they showed him Leila and threatened to kill his daughters like they did his wife. Vicky has Leila. Helicopters are headed their way but Michael says they're not there to help and tells Sean to go save Leila. At the end of the episode, Lee arrives on scene with other government officials, but no one else is there except for Michael. But then they find all the passengers dead, and not from the plane crash.

Who Are the Detainees?

Meanwhile, Secret Service hurries to get the President and his family away from the scene. President Martinez wants to know what happened to the plane more than he wants to know why it was headed his way. The government is already working on covering it up from the public. A burst of radiation was picked up where the plane disappeared, and they're trying to figure out how it could've been done. Blake Sterling may have the answer. In the 1940s, a plane crashed with 97 survivors (the detainees), who were determined to be "not of terrestrial origin." Though they look human, they age slowly and their DNA is different. They're being held because they're not saying why they're there.

What Happened to Leila?

Sean is now walking through the desert, but he collapses because of the heat. Flasback to the cruise: Leila's not feeling well. Vicky shows up and the two girls convince him to go snorkeling. Greg shows up with a hangover cure for Leila. He hits on her, but she tells him to leave. Security is waiting at the door, but the guard stabs Greg and Leila is taken. Sean wakes up in a hospital in Arizona, and he wants to talk to the police. When the nurse calls the police, the officer looks Sean up in the database and it turns out he's wanted for Greg's murder. The nurse tells Sean the police are on the way for his statement, but he can tell she's hiding something. When he sees the police show up, he runs. The nurse tells him of the murder suspicion and points the police in his direction. Flashback to five years earlier and Sean's swimming in Boston. He meets Leila and teaches her how to float. Sean is caught by the FBI by the exit. Sean tries to explain everything to the FBI agents, but they don't believe him. He says they're coming up to near where the plane landed but the road is blocked off for a chemical spill.

Interviewing Sophia

Flashback to when Sophia's plane landed: Sophia says she'll stay with the wounded while the others leave because not everyone can be caught. President Martinez enters Sophia's cell to question her. He's going to take responsibility and wants Sophia to do so as well. She says that they " harm" and saved his life, but can't say anything else. Sterling assigns Lee to head the operation into finding the others of Sophia's people. Flashback to Lee getting blood taken. He's applied to "Clandestine Services" in the CIA. He goes into the bathroom and pulls a tube out of his arm--is he one of these "aliens?" It's certainly looking like that could be the case. He meets with Thomas and says they had to take the plane, but wants to know where they are. Thomas says they're using the passengers.

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