Monday, March 3, 2008

Where's Elle???

Heroes to start shooting in June ... without Kristen Bell?

Posted Feb 27th 2008 3:04PM by Bob SassoneFiled under: Programming, Heroes
Cool news for fans of NBC's Heroes: it looks like the show is going to start filming a lot earlier than it usually does.
Shows usually start filming in July/August for the fall season, but according to Heroes star James Kyson Lee (Ando), the writers strike means that the show will start filming in June, and maybe as early as May. He says that NBC plans to really push the show this year, using the Olympics to hype the show.
That's the good news. The (possible) bad news is that TV Guide's Michael Ausiello is reporting that Kristen Bell isn't signed for the new season yet.

He does believe that she will eventually be signed though, because fans like her so much.
I'm curious though: Veronica Mars memories aside, do you Heroes fans like her character on the show? Is she necessary to the plot? I like her story arc. I see her either coming over to the side of the good guys (if she signs a long-term contract) or completely going crazy because of the way her father has been treating her and trying to destroy everyone and eventually dying in a really dramatic way.

Bell turned down the role of Charlotte on Lost to take the Heroes gig.

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