Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Numbers down even further

I wont go through the whole sad story, but here is enough for you to know:

At 8 p.m. Fox led with the 5.7 for “House,” followed by ABC with a 3.5 for
“Dancing with the Stars.” CBS was third with a 3.3 for “How I Met Your Mother”
(3.6, down just 6 percent from last week's series premiere) and “Accidentally on
Purpose” (3.1), NBC fourth with a 2.5 for “Heroes,” Univision fifth with a 1.5
for “El Nombre del Amor” and CW sixth with a 1.2 for “One Tree Hill.”

So here is the question:

To save Our Favorite Show should NBC:

  • Move the show to another night...say Friday?
  • Kepp it there....its just a blip?
  • Make some major changes...like a more episodic format?
  • Or just allow it to die at the end of the season?

S4 E3 Ink (Episode and recap)

Sylar pushes Matt to his limit, a grieving Samuel ventures beyond the carnival in search of Peter, Claire resolves to be truthful, and a new hero discovers her unique ability.

Last week I praised the arrival of Peter Petrelli: Working Class Hero. This week I bemoan the return of Peter Petrelli: Pretty Boy Tool. Seems like Samuel has a particular interest in Peter due to his own brother being an empath himself. At least, that's the impression I got after watching that subdermal compass go all a flutter an episode's end.

It's clear Samuel just doesn't let any ol' superpowered person into his fold. Instead, they have to pass what amounts to a moral test in order to be deemed worthy of inclusion. One man's morality is another man's depravity, so all things are relative. But Samuel, like all villains worth giving a damn about, doesn't actually consider himself a villain. Until recently, that might have even approximated the truth from an objective perspective. But it's clear that Joseph's death has sent him over the edge upon which he danced for so long.

So Samuel establishes a false lawsuit against Peter, stores up some specially made Sullivan Brothers Psychic Ink, and goes to work on Peter's mind. Then again, Samuel didn't have to manually Photoshop himself into one of Peter's pinned-up articles in order to make Peter doubt his own brain. I'm sure a Sudoku would have broken him just as easily. In any case, Peter apologizes to Samuel, unaware that the apology is itself "proof" for Samuel that he's found a suitable heir for his brother's ability.

Before heading back to the circus, Samuel makes a quick visit back to the home in which he grew up. Turns out he and Joseph lived in a carriage house, the offspring of a wealthy family's hired help. When denied entrance to his old home by the current tenant, he does the sensible thing and sinks the freakin' house. In case you didn't get it, this was the "Our Villain's Only a Villain Because People Didn't Love Him Enough as a Child" move they pulled on Sylar last year. And we all know how awesome THAT worked out.

As for the compass itself: it's unclear what it actually points towards, nor why empaths in particular are appropriate vessels for it. The show already has Lydia as its human version of Cerebro, so I'm unclear what added value is gained by the compass itself. My initial guess is that while Samuel creates ink out of earthen materials he can manipulate, there's something about an empath's power that focuses it and makes it usable for a specific purpose. Does the compass point to a place? A person? A cohesive plotline that won't have me banging my head against the wall by mid-volume? I'll let you, gentle reader, weigh in below.

Two-time touch and broken bones/Mirror in the bathroom

I can't even tell you how sick I am of the on-again, off-again relationship between Noah and Claire Bennet. It's this show's version of Ross and Rachel, but with much less making out. There's no earthly reason these two should re-hash the same talking points over and over again. And yet, on a seasonal basis, these two come together and split apart for the sole purpose of once again placing Claire in a position of danger.

Essentially, we're supposed to swallow that one game of "Guitar Hero" means Claire can call Gretchen her BFF. Well, my wife and I own "Rock Band." We play it all the time. And she doesn't even know as much about me as Gretchen now knows about Claire. We're literally weeks removed from the end of a plot in which superpowered people were sent to internment camps, and we're supposed to be OK with Claire revealing herself to someone who is essentially a stranger?

If you've seen this story before, and trust me, you have, then you know Noah's whole "I trust you" speech is a big fat lie. Unfortunately, 1) this makes us not like Noah, who is lying to his daughter, and 2) not like Claire, because we understand that Claire's judgement cannot be trusted. And meanwhile, it's only a matter of time before Gretchen's posting her own YouTube videos of her new roomie healing after cutting herself in the shower. I'm sooo looking forward to more "Single White Superhero," trust me.

Church of the poison mind/I think I'm paranoid
OK, let me just say that all my Evil Parkman dreams started to come true tonight. While I'm preparing myself to be disappointed in the eventual outcome, and wish the show focused more on Samuel as this Season's Big Bad without diluting the evil pool with Sylar's continued presence, I really enjoyed everything inside that dilapidated house.

When deployed properly, the ability to alter a person's mind is perhaps the most potent (and terrifying) power of all. You can argue until you're blue in the face that Sylar is actually the Sylar we know or just a byproduct of Parkman's guilty conscience, but you can't deny there was a realness to the cold look in that dead girl's eyes under the stairs. The fact that she was only a delusion should have taken away the power of the scene, but instead only validated the depths to which Parkman's mind can sink. This was one fake out that "Heroes" did deliciously.

The only problem with this storyline? I'm worried about its connection back to the carnival plot. Sure, we saw Sylar's face on Lydia's back next week. Does that mean that a psychic inside the carnival is working his/her mojo on Parkman in order to break Sylar-as-Nathan free? Seems like a complicated way to go about that change. Easier to just mind-frak the faux Senator back to life (back to reality), right?

Parkman's dark side is a fantastic little story, but only ultimately works if it ties into the volume as a whole, not as a stand-alone piece. The show may just be taking its time in allowing Samuel to gradually recruit all existing heroes one by one, but it needs to assure us that each piece of the seemingly disparate puzzle indeed connects. Moreover, it needs to explain sooner, not later, exactly why Samuel needs so many new members in his faction.

Ultraviolet (light my way)/Good vibrations

A possible way to tie everything together into one melodic whole? Emma, the show's first deaf superpowered character. Say what you will about the show's quality, but you can never fault their diversity in casting and in character. She's just developing her powers, which seem to manifest themselves in the realm of sound vibrations and the electromagnetic spectrum. Maybe these powers will develop into something cool, but for now they resemble something akin to an iPod commercial.

However, her ability to intuitively play the cello might also play a part in countering the effects of Peter's compass. I'm probably reading waaaay too much into this, but in Emma's ability to emit a sort of siren call with her music, I got a strong Mother Abigail vibe from her. The compass can't draw people in; it can only point to their direction. Samuel has to go TO those he wishes to find. It's possible that Emma will be the end of the rainbow for the side of good as the battle lines are drawn in "Redemption."

Or, you know, she'll get a job working Disney's Electric Light Parade. With "Heroes," nothing is ever truly out of the realm of possibility. Even if we desperately wished it could be.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

S4 E1/2: Orientation/Jump, Push, Fall (Full Episode)

The ringmaster of a very special carnival seeks revenge for the death of his brother; Tracy resurrects, hell bent on revenge; Claire starts college; Sylar's personality threatens to disrupt Nathan's life, while wreaking havoc in Matt's mind.


S4 E1/2: Orientation/Jump Push Fall (Recaptlet)

We apologize for the snark. The regular recap was not ready yet, so we had to settle for the cynics at www.televisionwithoutpity.com

Remember when back-to-back episodes would have been something to get excited about? Yeah, me neither. Anyway, Claire sees her roommate dead on the ground and insists that it is murder, not suicide. Her strange new friend Gretchen, who has an unhealthy obsession with dead bodies, says that they should try the age old Jump, Push, Fall test to determine the real cause of death, if only they could find a cadaver. Claire naturally leaps from the window herself, and new pal Gretchen sees her ribs sticking out and whatnot and is notably wigged out.

HRG gets a call from Tracy, who swears she didn't kill Danko. Instead, HRG determines that speedy knife guy must have wanted something, and after some digging in Danko's guts, HRG pulls out a key. The key leads to a safety deposit box, and HRG enlists a reluctant Peter's help to get it. Peter's the muscle in this scenario. Go ahead, laugh. I'll wait. Done? Nope? Yeah, it's a pretty hysterical concept. Anyway, they eventually find the box, containing a broken compass, and then speedy knife guy shows up and tries to kill them. Peter steals his power and they battle all blurry for a while, while HRG stands to the side and does literally nothing. Then knife guy runs off. The compass works for Peter, so HRG asks Peter to be his partner, but Peter turns him the hell down. Later, Peter gets called in for an emergency and it's a sliced up HRG who just got his little compass stolen. Then Tracy weirdly goes to the hospital and now she's friends with HRG or something and it is just strange.

Also strange, Hiro accidentally sends himself back to the carnival, but doesn't stop his young self from going to get his fortune told. However, T-Bag (also known as Samuel, apparently) encourages him to make another small change that won't rip the fabric of time apart or anything. Except that it sort of does as Ando and Komiko are dating now. Hiro sees this as a good thing (because even though he's not a pre-teen any more, he's still an idiot) and decides to go back to undo everything he's done wrong in the past. Well, that should take a long, long, while.

Meanwhile, in the storyline I just can't stand, Matt Parkman is hallucinating Sylar, who is looking for his body. Matt tries to ignore him, as he's apparently gone power-free for six weeks and isn't looking to get addicted again. There's group therapy, an annoying interrogation scene where Matt tries to do whatever job he's got this week, and then way too much of Matt's wife, who is having an affair with the water delivery boy. Matt finally caves and uses his power to send water boy away, and Sylar is delighted because now Matt will help him... in theory. Also, Nathan is having weird facial ticks, which is gross and apparently just there so that we realize the internal conflict going on inside him. Subtle.

Aside from taking advantage of stupid Hiro, who is apparently on tap to replace the ailing old time-traveling guy, T-Bag and crew need to take up a collection of heroes for some sort of mission. The tattoo seems to be of Peter, Sylar and Claire... for whatever unknown and presumably nefarious reason.

First ratings...

I won't bore you with the details, but it doesn't look good for our Heroes...

...NBC limped out of the gate on the first night of the new season with its combination of the two-hour fourth season-premiere of tired Heroes (3.4/ 5 from 8-10 p.m.) and week two of The Jay Leno Show (#3: 4.4/ 7 at 10 p.m.). Comparably, Heroes dipped by 11 percent from its 9-10 p.m. overnight average (3.8/ 6) from last March and April.
Take a look at the half-hour breakdown:

Heroes (NBC)
8:00 p.m.: 3.7/ 6 (#4)
8:30 p.m.: 3.5/ 5 (#4)
9:00 p.m.: 3.2/ 5 (#4)
9:30 p.m.: 3.2/ 5 (#4)

When I saw that people taped the show, but watched something else FIRST (Like Dancing with the D-Listers), it did not bode well.


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