Monday, October 15, 2007

Recap: S2E4: The Kindness of Strangers

Heroes Season 2 Episode 4
Posted by Shane on Monday, October 15, 2007 at 7:53 pm

In Heroes Season 2 episode 3, Peter didn’t want to find out his true identity, Micah went to live in New Orleans, Sylar returned powerless, Kensei became a hero, Claire and West got closer, and Noah got the message that he’s going to die.

Claire’s dad is afraid she’s met a boy. He’s right, but of course she’s not going to tell him that.

Molly continues to have nightmares.

Alejandro and Maya get a ride and come upon a man lying in the middle of the road. When they turn him over, we’re greeted with Sylar.

Micah has gone to live with Nana (Nichelle Nichols) and new hero Monica (Dana Davis).

Angela Petrelli confesses to the murder of Hiro’s father Kaito. She begs Parkman to just let it go, since if he lets them dig, it could lead to the heroes being found out.

Claire tells West she can’t see him any more. I was gonna give this plan a few days, but West gets her to agree to see him later that night.

A finally clean-shaven (but not straightened out) Nathan comes to the hospital to visit his mother and confronts her about confessing. She tells him to backup her story as well.

Sylar tells Maya and Alejandro he was robbed and his name is Gabriel. Maya tells him they’re on their way to see Dr. Suresh, and he says he knows him. She believes it’s a miracle.

Monica takes a management test and gets her hopes up. Her boss tells her she’s not qualified because she’d need to be ready to work anywhere in the state. He says being tied to her home prevents that. She’s afraid she’s being punished for being selfish by always praying for a way out rather than praying for the community.
Claire lies to go see West. Of course, nobody believes this lie, and her father follows her. West flies her away before she can get caught, though. Her request on where to go, when he offers to take her anywhere, is to sit on the Hollywood sign. When they get there, she says she’s afraid, but he says he can help her because he feels the same way. She jumps off the sign as a literal leap of faith, and he catches her, whether she can heal herself or not. It’s pretty obvious this isn’t ending any time soon.

Nathan shows Parkman a picture containing all the people who are being picked off one by one. Parkman’s father happens to be one of the people in the photo.

Back at Micah’s new home, he rigs the TV to get a pay-per-view wrestling match to help out his cousin. So much for laying low with his powers.

Parkman asks Molly to help him locate his father. When she sees the picture, she freaks out because his father’s the man in her nightmares.

When he stops at a newsstand, the driver of the car finds out Maya and Alejandro are killers. He tells his new buddy “Gabriel” what he’s found out and says they need to ditch them. Sylar gets in the car and warns them the cops are being called. Maya gets upset and starts to use her power, which allows Sylar to figure out they both have power. Then he steals the car and takes off, leaving the driver, who’s dead thanks to a brick being bashed in his head, behind.

When she gets home, Claire takes West’s advice and tells her father she’s doing something else she hates instead of being with a boy. She says she tried out for cheerleading and made the squad. Then the Haitian shows up and tells him they have go to to Texas.

Monica’s closing the restaurant when a guy with a gun forces his way in. She uses a move she learned while watching wrestling on him. She still has no clue what’s going on or why she was able to do it, though.

Molly agrees to help find Parkman’s father. While she’s helping, she gets caught and then collapses. Parkman hears her thoughts: screaming for help.

(Again, no N/K, and....for the first time......No Hiro!)

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