Monday, October 29, 2007

SpoileRama for 10/29/07

Interesting stuff perusing through the web this week...

Jonah Weiland's Behind the Eclipse blog offered some very interesting information...

Keep your eyes peeled for the return of DL – It will happen where you least
expect it.

Weiland intimated that DL would probably return for at shot at the flashback episode coming up....but also that DL may not be a goner as many of us believed (and some of us hoped).

Weiland also had two words about Elle's ability....

Living Lightning

Also, there is a recognition that it's highly probable that Elle and Claire are sisters in some way...that brings up the question...who's the daddy (that Elle called last week)....and who's the mommy?

Oh if you are wondering what was the backwards message last week in Matt's dream...

'You know the drill, hands against the wall.' 'You abandoned your kid... You're a deadbeat, and now you're gonna pay.' 'No one's supposed to be here.'

A nod to Matt's dyslexia.

I hate Boston. For two reasons. Last night. And this:

A few rebuttal points. First, Heroes is NOT in trouble. It is still #1 in its time slot in the 18-49 money demo, #1 or #2 show for the night in that same demo, consistently.

Second, if you read Mr. Perigard's piece, it is clear that, like many standard-thinking reviewers, he just does not get this series. He's thinking that Syler should play the role of a prime-time Salem Slasher, who comes out the the woodwork on Days of Our Lives any time they need to cut cast and money.

If Perigard listened to fans of the series, we totally get it. In fact there were just about nothing but raves about "Fight or Flight," and there is great anticpation about "The Line," tonight.

But if you want improvements, here's mine.

  • Jessica....bring back The Baddest Woman on TV (sorry Sarah Corvus, I love ya, but you're a rookie) back from her vacation. She's tanned, rested, and ready to kick ass. Kinda like last week.

  • If you do want to give Sylar some brain food, start with creepy West. We know that he (and to a certain extent, Caitlin) were brought in to kill any notion that NBC would allow any Paire-ing. It ain't working. When a normal romance is more creepy than incest, its time to kill him off.

  • Inject a little more humor. Many of the videos Adrian Pasdar has posted on YouTube show a lot of comic genius in the room. And that's why Star Trek stood out. For every ten "City on the Edge of Forever" episodes there was a "Trouble with Tribbles."

Otherwise, just be patient. If you are used to the usual, unchalleging crap that pretends to be TV entertainment, Heroes may take getting used to. Just enjoy the ride.

We'll see if chat works tonight at 9ET. See ya then.

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