Monday, December 17, 2007

Du Yu Hulu?

As you probably know, the lawyers who run NBCUni and NewsCorp/Fox have put together a new site called HULU, where thier srepective studios and networks are trying to put all thier copywrited material to protect it from thieves and scalawags.

You know, you fans.

Well, only a chose few have been invited to the beta test,

Well guess what. I was!

So I am navigating through the site. Its a site that begs for a really fast computer, and a lot of website developer have not yet figured out that not everyone has the super-duper high speed HP's they have.

Also, you CAN embed, but trying to find the links thingy is a bitch. AND you have to wait through the slowest loading 15 second spots on record. I swear, it took 3 minutes to get through a 15 second commercial.

But I did finally find the embedding tool, and we are showing exmples below. If this thing works, expect to see some full-length stuff real soon. If not...ow well.

This clip is "Prince Charming" where Zach invites Claire to the homecoming dance (S2):

Here's "Good Versus Evil," Niki's first meeting with her much cooler sister...

And here is Our Hero Matt who has to protect that low down dirty scum Malsky from The Baddest Woman On Television. Good luck!

Now so you know, Hulu is in private beta, so unless you got the invite, you still can't get in. BUT you can sign up at and they will send you an invite when they get around to you.

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