Monday, February 9, 2009

S3E15: Trust & Blood (recap)

Heroes Episode Recap Season 3: Volume 4: Episode 15

Episode 15: Trust and Blood

+ Recap of episode 14.
+ The episode starts with Claire telling the pilot that they are about to make an unexpected landing and Peter freezing the side of the plane.
+ This time around , there is sound instead of music playing as Mohinder and Peter hold each others hands
+ 43 Hours Later, Nathan is standing by a phone and is talking to someone about how Claire got on board and that the prisoners escaped.
+ At the crash site, everyone is running away from the plane as they are being pursued by soldiers.
+ Hiro falls into a ditch and is saved by Matt and Mohinder.
+ Matt asked Hiro if he got his power back as Mohinder tells them that they have to find cover and the others.
+ Matt goes into a trance and leads them to a different direction.
+ Claire and Peter are running up a hill as HRG grabs Claire and tells them that they need to come with him.
+ Peter runs away as HRG tells Claire that no one is going to know what is going to happen.
+ Missiles attack the site and blows it up as HRG and Claire take cover.


+ Nathan is standing in an office with a picture of all the Heroes on the wall.
+ Nathan is standing over the destroyed crash site as Nathan and his Commander are talking about how they blew up the site.
+ Nathan says he'll deal with Claire as HRG is standing over Claire with a gun.
+ Peter is still running as he runs into Tracy
+ Peter convinces Tracy to keep running.
+ Matt, Hiro, and Mohinder are hiding behind a truck and Matt is compelled to enter a house to get crayons and paper.
+ Hiro and Mohinder are getting clothes off a clothes line in order to blend in.
+ Ando is trying to get a ticket to Russelville, Arkansas as Daphne comes in and asks Ando if he could help her find Matt.
+ Ando and Daphne are talking about how they need to get to Arkansas and they both disappear.
+ Mohinder is telling Hiro to go surrender because he lost his powers and that they may make him surrender.
+ Mohinder, Hiro, and matt are talking about how Matt gained the ability to draw and that Matt needs to go back to the crash site to save Daphne
+ A mother and boy are arguing about how he is always getting into the fight.
+ The mother and boy stumble upon one of the soldiers tied up, Sylar walks into the room and threatens Agent Simmons that he'll torture the mother and boy in front of him in order to get information.


+ Ando and Daphne appear at the crash site as they see Claire captured.
+ Daphne plans on to search for Matt and disappears.
+ Tracy and Peter are talking about how that Peter can only hold on to one power at a time.
+ Tracy suggests that they need to do something aside from confronting Nathan directly.
+ HRG is trying to convince Claire that what she is doing is right and that she needs to be with the other Heroes.
+ Nathan and HRG are talking about how they need to keep the commander on control.
+ Daphne goes in and rescues Claire
+ Hiro, Claire, Ando, Daphne, and Mohinder are on the hillside.
+ Daphne gets shot repeatedly as Ando and Hiro escape.
+ Matt gets into one person's head and makes him shoot all the other soldiers.
+ Claire takes the bullets as Matt escapes with Mohinder and the Commander takes Claire hostage.
+ Sylar is trying to get the info out of the Agent as he starts using his power to hold Luke's mother hostage.
+ Luke uses his power to blow a cup and Sylar says they need to talk.


+ Claire is captured and the Commander was about to kill Claire as HRG comes in and brings her away.
+ HRG tells her that she has to go home and that she should try to lead a normal life as HRG promises her that he'll try to help them.
+ Nathan and the Commander are arguing about what is going on and that everyone is replaceable as Tracy calls.
+ Tracy is talking to Nathan as they start debating about her getting her old life back. Tracy promises to give Peter to Nathan.
+ Luke is showing Sylar his ability as they start talking about his relationship to his mom.
+ The agent is trying to get free and as the agent got free and picked up the gun Luke came in and burned the agent.
+ His mom is yelling at him for killing him as Sylar smiles.


+ Sylar leaves the house as Luke runs out of the house and asks Sylar to take him with you.
+ Luke tells Sylar that he knows where his dad is and that they'll take Luke's mom's car with them.
+ Peter and Tracy are arguing about how that they need to incapacitate Nathan.
+ HRG and the Commander are aiming at both Tracy and Peter as they trap them.
+ HRG refuses to take the shot because he believes he can't take it.
+ Peter takes Nathan's power and flies off as Tracy is then captured.
+ HRG and Nathan are talking about how HRG saved Peter.


+ Nathan is still talking on the phone as he is talking about how he is planning to contain everryone.
+ Matt and Mohinder are talking by a house waiting for Hiro and Ando as Peter flies in.
+ Mohinder informs Peter about Matt's new ability.
+ Hiro is mentioning that he needs to go to New Delhi to regain his powers and get a store.
+ Peter is telling them that they must bring the fight to them now and must get ready.
+ Sylar and Luke are traveling in a car.
+ Claire is back at home in Costa Verde as her mother is asking her if she has any decisions about college.
+ Claire is mentioning that she is planning on staying home for a while.
+ Claire gets a text back and asks if she still wants to fight.
+ We find out that Nathan and Angela were talking with each other as Angela tells him that he needs to rely on himself.
+ Nathan gets into the an armored car and starts interrogating Tracy.
+ They redrug Tracy and she becomes knocked out again as Nathan just walks away.


1 comment:

Rains said...

It was a nice episode. Even Heroes is a great show with all episodes. I recommend you that you should watch this show!!!!

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