Monday, March 9, 2009

S3E19: Shade of Grey (Recap)

before anything.....SEASON 4 Confirmed! Yippee!

Heroes Episode Recap Season 3: Volume 4: Episode 19

Episode 19: Shades of Gray

+ Recap of the last few episodes
+ Claire is reaching for the popcorn in a microwave as Claire turns around and finds that the puppet master is there asking for help.
+ Claire's mom goes down stairs while Doyle is explaining how he got into Claire's home and how hard it was for him to escape from the agents hunting him down.
+ Doyle is crying as he explains that he won't ask for help from Claire if she doesn't want to.
+ The Hunter tells Nathan that he was dealing with the problem Peter left behind.
+ Nathan receives a phone call about Matt being in front of the capital building.
+ The Hunter tells a guy to press a button to take Nathan and Matt out while Matt is strapped with a bomb.


+ Rebel is stopping the bomb from blowing up directly.
+ Matt is trying to read the minds of the bomb techs as they pull the black wire as soon as the Hunter presses the button to blow up the bomb.
+ They stun Matt and take him a way.
+ Sylar arrives at his father's home and walks around.
+ Sylar spots a man in a back room and he knocks on the window as the guy tells him that the pickup is almost ready.
+ Sylar tells his father that he is his son and tells him that he has questions to ask him.
+ Sylar tells him that he is going to kill him and his father reveals that if he doesn't kill him then his cancer will.
+ Nathan and the Hunter are arguing about what the Hunter did to Matt.
+ Nathan tells the Hunter that he is removed from command and the Hunter replies that he works directly for the president.
+ Nathan asks to talk to Mr. Bennet about something as the Hunter brings up proof that the case may be compromised from the start.


+ They are transferring Tracy as she is being escorted down a hallway and sees one of the computer screens say "Help is coming. Have hope."
+ Nathan and Bennet are arguing about what is going on and Nathan's actions.
+ Nathan enters Tracy's room and starts telling her that he is her last hope and that he has been helping everyone out.
+ The Hunter enters the room to start interrogating Tracy.
+ The Hunter is interrogating Tracy as Nathan is watching through the monitors.
+ When the Hunter asks Tracy if Nathan has an ability she replies "No."
+ Claire and her Mom are arguing about Claire's need to help people because she has a free pass.
+ Claire tells her mom that she wants to work at the comic book store in order for Hunter to send people to her there rather than to their house.
+ Claire is getting interviewed in the comic book store as the guy is asking her questions about comics.
+ Claire is about to leave as she is getting stressed about the questions he is asking and the guy tells her that she has the job because all the guys are staring at her.
+ Sylar's father comes back inside to find that Sylar is still inside.
+ Sylar's father is telling him that he has the same power as Sylar and that they are essentially the same. As he talks about their need to kill "easy prey" as he offers Sylar a knife to kill him with but instead Sylar kills a bunny that his father was about to taxidermy because he wants more answers.


+ The Hunter is analyzing a video of Peter falling off the building as the Hunter is asking Bennet about what information is missing about the Petrelli family.
+ Bennet tells Mrs. Petrelli about what is occurring and that the Hunter is after her.
+ Claire leaves the store and receives a text from Rebel to help Doyle because she is found out.
+ Doyle captures one of the agents as Claire incapacitates the other.
+ The Hunter is talking to Mrs. Petrelli about powers and if Nathan has one, as the Hunter is trying to intimidate her.
+ Mrs. Petrelli reveals information about the Hunter as he leaves and his expendability.
+ Sylar is still talking to his father about his ability and that everyone needs something to do. as Sylar puts a rabbit away as his father stabs Sylar with arrows.
+ Sylar's father wants his power as he uses his power that seems to put Sylar to sleep.


+ Sylar is stabbed to the wall as his dad is trying to cut Sylar open as he finds out that his father did not want to kill because he was growing old.
+ Sylar releases himself from his father's grasp and told him that he found all the answers he needs.
+ Sylar tells his father that he'll die a slow and painful death.
+ Nathan releases the Hunter from his control because he went through the president and tells Bennet that the president wants to talk to him.
+ The Hunter shoots the window and pushes him out of the window as he flies away.
+ The Hunter turns to Bennet and asked if he knew.


+ Doyle is sitting in a park as Claire gives Doyle the information needed to start a new life.
+ Claire tells him that she did this to find out who she is and what she needs to do.
+ Hiro and Ando arrive in California as they find Matt Parkman, Matt's kid.
+ Claire is lying down on the bed as she looks on her cell to find out that her "free pass is up"
+ Sylar is in the Hunter's house as he sees the bunny.
+ Agents break up into Claire's house as they search in her room, Nathan is outside holding Claire a few feet up the ground.


I think I missed a few things, but I got the general gist of it.

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