Monday, April 27, 2009

S3E24: An Invisible Thread (Season Finale)

+ Recap of last few episodes and key points of all the incidents that occurred to each character.
+ A short Mohinder soliloquoy occurs as we see Matt on a bus riding to Washington D.C., Hiro and Ando outside of Building 26, and Angela, Claire, and Mr. Bennet in a car driving.
+ Mr. Bennet figures out that the Agents know where they are as he drops Claire and Angela off and tell them to find Nathan.
+ Mr. Bennet gives Claire a phone and drives off.
+ Mr. Bennet arrives at a checkpoint as a truck filled with agnts arrive behind him and surround the car.
+ The same ending scene of last week's episode where Sylar is stabbed in the head by Danko replays over again.
+ Sylar is getting up like he did in the last episode and pulls out the knife from the back of his head as he tells Danko that its because of his shapeshifting ability he was able to survive.
+ Sylar traps Nathan in the bathroom in order to absorb his memories later.
+ Danko becomes TK'ed to the wall as Sylar tells him his plan to meet with the president and he transforms into Danko and kills another soldier outside of the room.


+ Angela tells Claire that Mr. Bennet got caught because he was doing it for Claire.
+ Angela tells Claire to go find Nathan as she tells her that she needs to find Matt Parkman in order to save Nathan from harm.
+ Sylar is dressing up in a suit as he tries to wake Nathan up in the bathroom in order to get information about his past.
+ Nathan's secretary walks in as Sylar is turned around and tells him that his daughter is there to see him.
+ Sylar tells Claire that he is planning on stopping 'Sylar' from meeting the president
+ Claire questions Sylar if he really is Nathan and through the use of his powers figures out a way to convince Claire that he is Nathan.
+ Nathan and Claire are already on their way to meet the president.
+ Danko is being transported as Hiro and Ando are outside discussing a way to get inside.
+ They start arguing over Hiro's power and the effects its having on his body.
+ Danko is being transported down the hall as everyone sees him and stares at him, he gets throuwn into a room with a single table and Mr. Bennet standing around.
+ Mr. Bennet says, "Fancy meeting you here."


+ Nathan wakes up in the bathroom as Peter finds him knocked out in the bathroom and tells Peter that they need to stop Sylar.
+ Mr. Bennet and Danko are discussing Sylar and the fact that they can't kill Sylar anymore because he moved the spot and how they got there.
+ Mr. Bennet tells Danko that he would have became exactly like Danko if he didn't have Claire and that they need to do something to escape.
+ As they are about to shake hands, Hiro and Ando freeze time and appear.
+ Ando finds pictures of themselves and takes them off a wall.
+ Hiro's ears are bleeding as Ando notices that Hiro is straining himself.
+ Hiro says "Holy Crap" as they find everyone in the containment center drugged.
+ They grab all the agents and replace them with all the people who have powers.
+ Mr. Bennet figures out that Hiro must have stopped time because the door is open and that there are no guards.
+ Mohinder is checking Hiro out and figures out that his powers are having an adverse affect on his body and that he can't use his powers anymore.
+ Nathan meets with a colleague as Claire starts picking up on all these hints that Nathan isn't who he really is.
+ Danko is about to betray Nathan and stab him with a tranquilizer as Hiro freeze time and uses it on Danko.
+ Hiro collapses as Mr. Bennet runs off to meet with Nathan.
+ Mr. Bennet calls Claire as it becomes obvious that Sylar is now impersonating Claire and tells Mr. Bennet that he is Sylar.


+ Sylar is controlling Claire to open a bottle of wine and makes her move slowly towards Sylar and controls her every movement to serve wine.
+ Sylar is telling Claire that they have a lot in common as he makes her drink wine.
+ Claire tells Sylar that she would continue to hunt down Sylar continuously as Sylar starts telling Claire that they may eventually fall in love with each other.
+ Peter and Nathan arrive at the hotel and Nathan tells his colleague that Sylar is the one upstairs and shows him his power.
+ As Peter and Nathan enter the suite, Claire is thrown through the doorway as Nathan and Peter fly in to confront him.
+ Claire watches him from the hallway as Nathan and Sylar flew out the window and Peter and Claire run off to confront Sylar.
+ Nathan gets thrown through the window and Sylar cuts his throat as he says, "Claire will be so mad at me."
+ Sylar transforms into Nathan and walks off, leaving Nathan dead in a chair.


+ Angela finds Matt Parkman and tells him that he has to come with her to find Nathan and save him.
+ Mr. Bennet arrives and finds Claire and Peter as the agents stop them as they warn them that the president is in danger.
+ Matt and Angela arrive at the hotel and finds out that Nathan died and Angela starts questioning her dreams.
+ Sylar arrives in the basement as Nathan and takes over a body of Nathan's colleague and starts going after the president.
+ Sylar gets in the car with the president and shakes his hand as Sylar figures out something is wrong and gets stabbed by Peter with a tranquilizer through the bottom of his neck.
+ Sylar is knocked out as Peter lays back and says, "I bet you never thought that I took that one from you."


+ Mr. Bennet lays Sylar on a couch as Mr. Bennet and Angela is trying to convince Matt to mind control Sylar into becoming Nathan and telling the president that everything that occurred was a mistake.
+ Matt digs into Sylar's brain and tells him that he is now Nathan Petrelli and that Gabriel Gray is now dead.
+ Sylar transforms into Nathan and looks at Mrs. Petrelli and goes, "Ma?"
+ We see Nathan standing over Sylar's body and burning it as Sylar/Nathan stands by Angela.
+ Mr. Bennet asks Sylar/Nathan if he convinced the President to solve the problems, and Mr. Bennet says that he likes the name the "company."
+ Mr. Bennet tells Claire that Sylar is really dead as Matt Parkman walks away angry at himself for what he did.
+ Peter is standing there looking at Sylar/Nathan through the fire as Mohinder's soliloquouy ends.


Beginning of Volume 5...
+ We see Water escaping from a kitchen as it flows into the living room and reanimates itself into Tracy and kills someone.
+ Nathan is sitting in his desk as he finishes looking at a newspaper mentions the murder and Angela walks in and tells Nathan that its time for lunch.
+ Nathan looks at the clock and figures that its running a little late as Angela feels a little uncomfortable with herself as she knows that Sylar will eventually come back.

Recapper's Note:
It was a fun season, can't wait for the next. See you next year and catch you on the other side of the moon.

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