Monday, November 16, 2009

S4E10 Brother's Keeper (RECAP)

Original Air Date: Nov 16, 2009

Brittany D. – Staff Writer

Dear NBC: Let’s not spoil your biggest cliff hangers of the season anymore in your previews for the next week’s episode, okay? It’s just a helpful suggestion!

Hiro is still trapped in the circus, and it’s because Samuel wants him to go back in time eight weeks ago to get Coyote Sands research film from Mohinder before he destroys it. We flash back to nine weeks ago and see that Mohinder is in India teaching, and he has a girlfriend who urges him to trash all of Chandra’s old research, and Mohinder obliges. Of course he goes and gets it once his girlfriend goes to bed and watches a tape reel labeled ‘Samuel’. In it, Chandra says that when more than one person with abilities is in the same room with Samuel, it causes his ability to increase in power. From the research, Mohinder is able to create a compass like the one Samuel has. Mohinder’s girlfriend says that if he disappears, she won’t wait for him. So of course…

…Mohinder goes to carnie town and talks to Joseph, who tells Mohinder that he’s kept Samuel in the dark about his ability, that he’s never told him how powerful it could be. He advises that the reel should be destroyed, and we cut to see Samuel eavesdropping on the entire conversation. He confronts Mohinder in a hotel room, demanding to know what was on the reel, but Mohinder says he’ll never tell. Samuel smashes a rock and flings the remains into Mohinder’s body and leaves, but Hiro has already appeared on scene and fitted his old pal with a bullet proof vest after switching out the reels. Mohinder says he won’t disappear for eight weeks so that Hiro can get Charlie back, so Hiro somehow gets him into a loony bin in a padded cell wearing a straight jacket, where the doctor’s mistake him for another patient and dope him unconscious.

Giving the reel to Samuel, Hiro doesn’t get Charlie back right away, and Samuel leaves to go meet with Tracy.

Nathan/Sylar is back in D.C. and Peter is with him, trying to figure out why he can’t remember a week of his life. His mother apparently smoothed things over at the office by telling everyone that Nathan was simply on vacation, but the Haitian shows up to tell Peter the truth about his brother. The Haitian gives Peter directions to a storage facility and tells him to GO ALONE, but no one in this show ever listened to directions, so of course he takes Nathan. In the facility, they find the real Nathan’s dead body. Nathan/Sylar touches his dead body and has a flash of Sylar and Matt. After figuring out that Matt is in a hospital, Peter and Nathan go to Midland and Peter heals him. Matt tries to tell them what happened, but Sylar takes over Matt’s body and tells Nathan that with a touch, it can all be over and he can be whole again.

A touch happens, but it’s just a brush, and Nathan flies away with Peter after accidentally knocking him out. He flies them to the Grand Canyon…or some Canyon, and Peter tells Nathan that he’s not leaving him alone, and they fly off together. Meanwhile, Matt is healed and mind warping a cop into giving him his clothes so that he can escape the hospital. Back in Peter’s apartment, Nathan has a sad moment when he realizes that all Peter is going to see when he looks at him is Sylar, but we never really establish what’s going on inside his head with Sylar being there.

Tracy is contemplating running away to join the circus while drinking coffee in a diner, when she gets so agitated that she accidentally freezes her coffee mug. She goes to Bennet’s but instead of finding HRG she finds Claire. Tracy’s power is going haywire, and she keeps freezing things. She freezes the steaming hot bathwater she was in, then accidentally freezes Claire solid. She breaks off Claire’s foot while trying to move her to the tub, but Claire heals and unfreezes and they share a good laugh. Tracy explains that she’s really thinking about heading to carnie town, and Claire tells her she should do it, if she thinks that’s what’s best for her. HRG walks in with groceries, sees Claire’s still frozen foot on the table (she’s since grown a new one) and asks how their day was. It really was the best part of the episode.
(Have not seen, but this is what Heroes has been sorely missing, humor and sight gags based on the abilities).

As previously mentioned, she does meet with Samuel, hoping to run away from her old life to a place where she’ll be accepted.

Okay, bottom line – I want to stop time hopping and get to the bottom of these two story lines of Nathan/Sylar and Samuel. Can I please just get Sylar back to his badassness? No more of this Nathan stuff. And unless the Samuel story line is going to be wrapped up in a really cool twist, it doesn’t seem like it’s going to have much more to offer. And, sorry Hiro, but I’m pretty sure that Charlie is somewhere else: a place called FOX on a show called Glee.

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