Monday, January 4, 2010

S4E13/14: Upon This Rock/Let It Bleed (Recap)


Brittany D. – Staff Writer
Welcome back from hiatus! This recap is going to be longer than usual since we were treated to a double feature tonight. Let’s not waste time here!

Remember that one woman, Emma? Yeah I didn’t until just now. She reapplied to medical school and didn’t get in, but that’s what happens when you drop out of school – you rarely go back. Remember that, kids. She goes home just in time for Samuel to knock on her door. He knows sign language and starts explaining gifts and how they’re the same. Apparently, he sent her the cello and it has the same compass mark on it that he has tattooed on his arm. Letting him in, he tells her all about how her ability works. He tells her that the cello was actually meant for someone else and that he lost her. Emma tells him how the damn thing cracked her wall, but he tells her she actually did it with her fear.

Samuel tells her that he needs help finding a man named Ian Michaels. Apparently, his ability is being mother nature. As they sit in the park, Sam tells her that her emotions actually become one with the music, and she can draw people to her, like a Siren. He asks her to try and draw Ian to her through her music. It’s kind of creepy how fast people start to gather, and I wonder where this Ian guy has been lurking to be called by her music so fast. Anyway, Ian stands next to a tree and it suddenly blooms with new leaves. He gets treated at the hospital (because he was homeless) and Samuel takes him away.

Over in Tokyo, Hiro appears and starts telling people that he’s from the Starfleet looking for his second in command, then he thinks he’s in Star Wars as he helps a woman deal with a purse snatcher. THEN he tells the ‘citizens of Caprica’ that they’re safe. (lol, BSG reference! I geeked out for a second, won’t lie.) The police finally take Hiro to Ando, but he keeps calling him Sancho, and all of Hiro’s thoughts and expressions are crossing with comics. His sister wants to call a neurosurgeon, but Ando wants to figure out what Hiro is talking about. They go to Hiro’s comic book hideout, and Ando somehow figures out that Hiro wants to go to a place called Arkham in Florida. Turns out, it’s a mental institution – oh that wouldn’t be the one Hiro dumped Mohinder in would it?

Claire joins the circus for a couple days and delivers some pancakes to Samuel who is shocked to see Claire and not Lydia. He covers some boxes with a coat and Claire notices that they’re Primatech boxes. He says he’s not interested in explaining the past. She quotes some college knowledge to him about choices in life and you know she’s not gonna let that box go unrifled through. Replicator guy has been following her and being all creepy. She has a chuckle over Lydia and her daughter bickering, and before Lydia can get upset, Claire explains that it’s just a great, normal experience. Claire then asks why Samuel wanted her in the circus, and Lydia tells her that it’s become an obsession to have as many people there are possible.

Because my ability is seeing the t.v. future, Claire goes to Samuel’s trailer to snoop but the Replicator is there reminding her that she’s on beautification duty, so hop to it. That night, Replicator is still following her around and watching her. She runs into the house of mirrors, because when someone is being replicated, you should replicate them MORE in a house of mirrors. She bests him and hits him with a stool before running to Samuel’s trailer to look in that box. She finds pictures and maps of a valley before the Puppet Master Doyle controls her right on out of the trailer. He thinks she’s a spy for her dad, but she’s more concerned that Sam’s collecting a bunch of people with abilities. Doyle is not going to let Claire ruin whatever is going to happen.

He tells Claire that Joseph made him better, and that he hasn’t actually done anything bad since he got there – holding Claire hostage notwithstanding. He finally lets her go so that she can go talk to Lydia to figure out what’s up. Lydia tells her that Joseph was originally the one in charge who really made the carnival a family, and Claire figures out that Samuel killed him. Lydia begs Claire to find someone who can stop Samuel, then Eli (replicator has a name!) grabs her up. Samuel gets upset that Eli holds her captive and Claire says she won’t go until Samuel tells her what happened to Joseph. He tells her that he lost control, and he tries to blame Joseph because he told Danko about them, and her father. He rationalizes that Claire’s own father lied, cheated, and killed to protect his family, and that this is no different. He takes her to the valley that he has a map of, where Ian is playing in the dirt. After Samuel parts the Earth so that there’s water, Ian makes an area of the dessert valley beautiful and lush.

Samuel tells her that this is going to be their new home, and that this is why he needs a bigger family. To build the future. She declines to be a part of Samuel’s family for the time being so that she can go back to her home. Samuel extends an open invitation to her and she’s left thinking Samuel is awesome. Finally checking her cell messages, she scrolls past some from Noah, then lands on one from Peter saying they have a lot to talk about.

In a funeral scene, Claire shows up to say goodbye to Nathan. The story told to the public was that Nathan was flying a plane that crashed. Claire is naturally pissed at Angela and Noah for doing the whole cover up to begin with. Peter’s so upset that Angela feels the only person he’ll listen to is Claire, and she follows him to the scene of an office shooting where he’s trying to be a hero. He tries to tell the gunman his story about being pissed as hell, but the gunman shoots him anyway. Later, Claire heals Peter, but not before lecturing him. Peter requests that Claire call her old ex West, who can fly, and we all know it’s because he wants that flying ability. Funny, I had NO idea West was still in her life. Huh.

After Claire’s gone, Samuel puts ink to paper to reveal a woman, his long lost love Vanessa, but then Doyle is flying through the air, and there’s Sylar! And really, who doesn’t see it coming that Sylar wants to kill all of these people with abilities? Of course, Samuel tries to tell Sylar that he has big plans for him, but Sylar isn’t hearing any of it. He decides to off Samuel first, but Samuel starts a dust storm right around Sylar that would have killed him, had he not nabbed Claire’s ability. He puts Sylar in Lydia’s trailer because he wants her to find out more about him. She goes to put the moves on Sylar and as they make out he remembers stuff from being Nathan, and Lydia tells him that he’s just lonely and wants to be loved. He absorbs her power, saying he doesn’t have to kill, and she calls him impotent. Hahaha.

Sylar starts searching for ink, but he can’t find any. Sam tells Sylar that he just needs a friend, someone who understand him and cares for him. He shows him a picture of Vanessa, who is his other half or something. Samuel them goes on to say that he is just like Sylar, not all bad, but not all good, and Sylar tells him to show the tattoo to prove it. The tattoo turns out to be of Claire, and he heads off to find her.

At home, Noah fails to notice the creepy shadow outside his window, and opens it right up. Lurking just outside is Edgar. But maybe Noah did notice him, because he tazers the crap out of him. Noah then goes down to a Japanese restaurant and asks to have it all to himself when his blond, ex partner shows up. I forget her name. Again. She brought some truth serum, and they find out that Edgar can’t go all that fast in the cold – Noah has him in a freezer. The interrogation begins, but blond lady agent interrupts just as Noah’s about to have fun with a knife. She suggests he start actually asking questions and listening. He figures out that Edgar doesn’t have a compass and can’t get home and Edgar reveals that he was exiled.

He goes on to say he was trying to capture Noah and bring him back to Samuel to hopefully not be exiled anymore and keep an eye on everyone. Noah proposes that he and Edgar work together to bring down Samuel, and lets him go upstairs to have some soup. Edgar tells him that the key to getting Samuel is Lydia, but the more Edgar hears about the family being taken apart, the more he doesn’t like the idea and he busts out of the handcuffs Noah put him in. He speeds out, taking every piece of information he’d shared with Noah with him. Blond agent lady tells Noah to call Claire and start repairing their relationship.

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