Tuesday, February 9, 2010

S4E19: Brave New World (recap)

Just when you thought you'd seen it all, the season finale of "Heroes" became a full-fledged 3-ring circus. So who prevailed in the Central Park showdown? Brace yourself for the madness and lets recap the circus acts one by one.

In the left ring...

While Sylar and Peter are busting out of their mental prison, Matt is upstairs entertaining a new visitor: Eli. He tries to mind-trick Eli into going away, but it doesn't work. Luckily for Matt, Sylar knocks the real Eli out and he survives another day. But while he should be thanking his nemesis, Matt's angry that Peter is Sylar's new BFF.

Because of this Peter is forced to go inside Eli's head and see what Samuel's planning. He tells them that Samuel is going to bury the crowd underground at Central Park. Matt doesn't want to let Sylar leave, but, Sylar convinces him to go inside his head. In the end Matt's still unsure of Sylar's true motive, but lets him go. And when they leave, he starts working on Eli.

In the center ring...

Still trapped underground, Noah is preparing to leave Claire fatherless. Now that he's about to die, he's afraid of what will happen when Claire's abilities are discovered. Claire still believes that people won't be averse to the specials. But Noah says it's human nature to turn on them. So before he bites the dust, he asks Claire to promise that she'll find a way to blend in. Claire doesn't make the promise before Noah goes unconscious.

She runs to the door, starts clawing through the dirt to escape and breaks a hole big enough for some water to seep through. Lo and behold, Tracy Strauss comes spilling into the trailer. She floods the Bennets' burial ground and they all float to the surface, where Lauren is waiting for them with a chopper to escort them to New York. Tracy needs a bit of time to regroup, so they leave her behind.

In the right ring...

Hiro has recovered quite nicely from brain surgery and is ready to recapture his simple life. He tells Ando they need to stop "butterfly man" Sam, but a nurse walks in and delivers a note from a patient down the hall. It's Charlie and she wants Hiro to stop by. When Hiro arrives at Charlie's hospital room, she has aged 65 years. She explains that Samuel transported her back to 1944, but that she had a good life. Hiro apologizes, but Charlie's just glad she got to see him before she dies. He offers to fix what Samuel, but Charlie has made her peace with it. Turns out, she had the life--and family--she always wanted, so Hiro lets her go. And he's just in time because Noah has called and they're needed in New York.

The Show Stopper

The Sullivan Bros. Carnival has arrived in New York and Samuel meets the day by delivering another rousing speech to his family. Once the carnies are on board, Samuel tells Emma that it's time for her to start playing the cello so that she can lure the poor, innocent New Yorkers to their deaths. Emma immediately realizes that Peter's dream is coming true and refuses to help. But Samuel employs puppet master Doyle to force Emma to play. Sam's so proud of his deviousness, but Edgar's skeptical about Samuel's intentions.

While Samuel readies himself for the show, Noah, Claire, Peter and Sylar arrive. Noah doesn't make it far before Edgar has him. And thankfully, he's ready to help Noah silence Samuel's nonsense for good.

Sylar send Peter to fight Samuel, while he heads to the house of mirrors to stop Emma. But he quickly realizes Emma's not pulling her own strings. Sylar asks Doyle to let him save Emma because she's going to kill thousands. Doyle's so drunk off of Sam's lies that he'd rather tango with the scalp-slitter. Eventually he loses focus and releases Emma, only to have her wipe him out with her cello. And Sylar becomes the hero he promised Matt he could be.

Claire arrives to face the carnies and make her final plea. This time, she reveals everything: that they are the source of Sam's power and that Sam killed Joseph. Samuel is so confident in his brainwashing that he denies the whole thing. That is, until Edgar, Noah and Eli (good job Parkman!) corroborate the story.

The carnies are convinced and they walk out, but Sam tries to unleash his fury before they get too far. Everyone, specials and humans alike, start running. Just when Sam's about to get nasty, Peter tackles him, absorbs his power, and uses it against him.

While they scuffle, Hiro and Ando finally arrive, Claire tells Hiro he must transport everyone out. Hiro is intimidated by such a large task, but Ando offers to supercharge his powers. With a shake of his head, the specials disappear. As for the butterfly man? He weakens without his precious family and collapses in defeat.

That's where volume 6 picks up. Peter and Emma reconcile. Sylar's feels good about his heroic turn and Lauren attempts to covers up the mess for the media. But, for the first time in Claire's life (not!) she's sick of hiding. So despite her father's plea, she draws the media's attention by climbing to the top of the ferris wheel...and jumping off.

It's a brave new world, indeed.

Well, that about wraps it up, kids. What did you think of the "Heroes" season finale? And who's hoping for another season?

(Don's note: I am)

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