Monday, November 26, 2007

Recap: S2E10: Truth or Consequences

Posted by Shane on Monday, November 26, 2007 at 9:04 pm

Bob escalated his efforts to get Claire’s blood in Heroes Season 2 episode 9, kidnapping her. Her father, however, managed to kidnap Elle, arranging a trade and convincing West to help him for Claire’s sake. While they were making the swap, HRG was killed… briefly.

Peter tells Adam of what he saw in the future, where most of the world’s population was wiped out by the Shanti virus. Adam responds that Victoria Pratt obtained the virus from an Indian girl named Shanti, and that the virus is the crime of the Company founders. Peter wants to find Victoria and get some answers.

Bob goes to see HRG’s family, urn in hand. He offers them some attempt at being kind, saying they will be allowed to lead a normal life. When he goes out to the car, he blames Elle for what happened.

A not dead Noah is being doctored by Suresh, who infused him with his daughter’s blood to save him. The reaction to saving his life? Anger.

Niki returns to Micah, telling him about the virus she has. She tries to convince him Suresh will cure her.

Claiming her brother hates her for the murder of his wife, Sylar teaches Maya how to control her power.

Hiro thinks that maybe Kensei can live forever, and if so, he’d leave a trail.

Peter finds Victoria Pratt and mentions the Company. She pulls a gun on him, but after informing her of his trip to the future, she’s willing to talk.

Hiro and Ando find a picture of Adam Monroe from 1977. Ando says the name sounds familiar, and they find that he came from Primatech. Ignoring his previous vow not to mess with the past again, Hiro goes back in time again anyway. When he gets there, he sees Victoria trying to convince his father to destroy the virus.

Back in the present, Victoria tells Peter he’s looking for mutated strain 138 in New Mexico. When she sees Adam’s there with him, she wants to take both of them out. Except neither of them can be killed by bullets, so that doesn’t work.

When she goes to tell Alejandro the good news, Alejandro tells Maya their new friend Gabriel killed his mother. He says it was self defense and because his mother turned on him after finding out what he was, something Maya can understand. Since Alejandro doesn’t trust Sylar, an argument ensues that gets rid of Alejandro, exactly as intended.

Victoria tells Peter what happened 30 years ago, that Adam’s a killer who broke into the lab to release the virus, and that Peter must be a killer, too, since he’s with him. Now that he knows she lied to him, Peter again asks where the virus is. He can’t get an answer, but he can read her mind: Primatech in Odessa, TX. Adam unties and releases Victoria, who of course goes for a gun to shoot Peter, conveniently allowing Adam to kill her. She had the symbol on her photo as well.

Alejandro’s not quite done yet. He’s back to visit Sylar, insisting he’s taking his sister. Obviously, Sylar’s not having any of this. In the struggle, he kills Alejandro. Maya comes to the door, so Sylar leaves the dead body in the room and goes outside and kisses her.

Following her father’s death, Claire’s family decides to leave. She says it hurts more than falling 20 stories or being on fire. Her plan is to call on the Haitian and have her memory erased, but West tells her forgetting isn’t the answer.

Micah’s upset because his cousin got his dad’s medals stolen. He wants to be a hero and go get the medals, but his mom refuses. Monica, however, is willing to help. While they’re out, Suresh calls to tell Niki that he thinks he may have found a cure, and she goes to tell Micah and discovers he’s not in his bed. Using their powers, they break into the house where the kids who stole the backpack live. They come home just in time to catch Monica in the act.

Claire goes to the ocean to apologize to her father for being selfish and not listening. As she’s saying goodbye to West, she spots Elle spying on her. In an effort to scare Elle, she threatens to tell the world what she can do and that they kidnapped her and killed her father.

Sylar calls Suresh from home and asks for help for himself and Maya.

Like Peter, Hiro’s also on his way to Odessa. When Hiro shows up, he stops time and tells Peter why he’s there. Peter doesn’t want him to kill Adam, and the episode ends with Hiro charging at them with his sword.

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