Monday, October 22, 2007

Recap: S2 E5-Fight Or Flight

Heroes Season 2 Episode 5
Posted by Shane on Monday, October 22, 2007 at 8:05 pm

In Heroes Season 2 episode 4, Claire and West got closer, Alejandro and Maya met a new friend (Sylar), Monica started to discover her powers, and Molly helped find Parkman’s dad, only to collapse at the end of the episode.
Suresh tells Parkman he has to go find his father because Molly faced her worst nightmare to find him.

Monica is talking to a cop about her run in with the criminal. The cop says he needs someone to step up and be a hero and identify the guy, who’s already hit other places in the area.

Caitlin tells Peter she’s not sure staying around there isn’t going to be enough for him. She tries to talk him into opening the box. She says there’s bound to be someone looking for him, and she’s right. It’s time to introduce Elle (Kristen Bell), who asks around and finds out Peter’s in the area.

Parkman meets up with Nathan, who insists on going and helping him out.

Ricky tells Peter to go to Caitlin’s flat, and he’ll take care of Elle for him.

Monica’s friend Camille wants to know how and why she kicked the robber. She tells her the truth about how she learned it from TV. I couldn’t tell whether she thought she was crazy or not, though Monica thinks she may be going crazy but at the same time thinks it also means she’s meant for something bigger.

Parkman and Nathan head to the place in Molly’s vision. Nathan knocks on the door for him. Parkman barges into his apartment and is greeted with a shotgun. His father shows him a picture, with the same symbol as the other two people who were attacked.

He says he’s protecting himself. Nathan says he should just read his mind so they can get out of there, but he’s not able to get anything out of him, since both of them can read minds.

Micah’s at the piano playing a song. They have a discussion about their moms. While they’re talking, Micah asks about Monica playing the piano, and she says she never learned. Yet she’s doing an excellent job of it. She gets freaked out and stops.

Suresh phones HRG and tells him his plan is to take Molly to the Company because they’re the only ones who can save her, ignoring his request not to go there.

Parkman’s father tells a story about how he met all those people because, like him and the main stars of the show, he was connected to the people with special abilities as well. Pretending he’s goig to help Matt out, he creates a world where Matt’s a prisoner and Nathan’s in the world how it would be if they didn’t save it.

After not being in last week’s episode for the first time, Hiro’s back with his hero Kensei. He’s sent a message to Ando to discuss how he’s helping him with the stories he read about as a child.

Micah confronts Monica about her piano playing. She wants to just go to sleep and forget it, but he shows her his power and says it runs in the family. He shows her a comic book and says she’s just like the hero in that: a copycat. He suggests testing her power out.

Bob tells Mohinder he wants him to go out in the field and capture someone and starts talking about how a lot of people aren’t in conrol of their ablities. People like Niki, who comes out and starts destroying things before being stopped.

They’re deciding what to do, and she decides she wants to not suck at double dutch, so she jumps in and picks it up right away.

Peter decides to accept his past and find out what who he really is. He says he wants to be with Caitlin, regardless of what his life was before. He finds a wallet, a ticket to Montreal, pictures, etc., but none of it tells him anything. What does tell him something is the picture he’s able to paint using his powers.

Elle shows up in the pub and asks Ricky about Peter. Ricky plays dumb. She starts to walk away to mess with him, then turns back around and says she heard on the docks that they saw Peter there. He insists he doesn’t know who she’s talking about. She doesn’t accept this and turns out shooting beams from her fingers.

Suresh offers to bust Niki out of there, saying she’s a prisoner, but she refuses to leave. She says she wants to be there and is sick, and they’re the only people who can help her.

Nathan gets into a fight with himself. Meanwhile, Parkman envisions his wife telling him he walked out on his son, the one she said wasn’t his. They start fighting their way out, but both end up getting choked. After this goes on for a bit, they snap out of it, realizing they’re actually still in the apartment and choking each other.
Somehow Parkman managed to get Nathan to wake up, though neither know how.
They know where he’s headed, though. Nathan finds a picture of Bob, with the symbol on it.

Hiro’s telling the story of how the three of them are in a fight against a whole army. The final word Ando’s able to read is “fear.” He just doesn’t know what he fears, or what happens.

Monica tells Micah she’s just looking for some answers. Suresh shows up at her door and tells her he’s got them.

Elle gets a phone call and reveals she killed Ricky. She gets pulled off the case by her father, who’s unrevealed on the other line.

Peter’s done painting. Too bad he doesn’t know what he painted, but they do suspect it’s Montreal. This is all interrupted by finding out that Ricky’s dead

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