Monday, October 1, 2007

Heroes Recap (Sea 2 ep. 2): Lizards

The guys looking for the iPods slap Peter around some. He tells them he doesn’t know how he got in there, but they don’t buy it.

Claire complains (again) because she doesn’t want to be normal, and her father tells her his job isn’t a normal 9-5 job but rather keeping his family safe.

Then his wife pulls out the paper showing the photo of Hiro’s father, and she makes him tell her what’s going on. He knew it was going to happen because Isaac painted it. The painting was 1 of 8, and he wants to find the other 7.

Parkman just so happens to get assigned to the case and pretends he doesn’t know the person who died. A witness saw someone push him off the roof, yet there’s only one body. Ando stops by and tells him the mark on the photo is the crest of Takezo Kensei.

Back in the 1600s, Hiro’s still trying to smack some sense into Takezo. Unable to get anywhere, he puts on the mask and fills in for him.

In school, Claire’s learning about lizards capable of cellular mutation. She asks whether it’s possible for people to be able to heal themselves. West gets (more) suspicious.

Bob finds a man with abilities who’s got a virus, the one that killed Suresh’s sister. The only cure for the virus is Suresh’s blood, so he goes to meet him.

Maya and Alejandro find someone who says she will help them without needing money.

Peter’s tied up and bloody. Caitlin walks in to try a kinder way of getting something out of him, rather than just letting her brother beat him up more. She asks his name, but he can’t even remember that. Eventually, he heals himself, and neither can figure out why.

When he arrives, Suresh is told the hero he went to save (the Haitian) doesn’t want the cure, but he insists.

A woman says she’s a healer and offers to help Maya. Alejandro says no, but she insists, only to find out that Maya can’t be healed. She thinks she’s been cursed.
Hiro confronts the enemy. He says he doesn’t need a sword, then takes all theirs. So they gets out the bows, and he makes all of them come to him as well. The swordsmith’s daughter is impressed by this display.

Peter breaks free of his ropes. Someone comes to shoot Caitin. By this time, though, Peter’s figured out how to use his abilities and defends her.

West waits for Claire after class and brings her Suresh’s book. She blows him off and tells him she was just bored in class.

While trying to flee to America, Maya kills again, but Alejandro is able to reverse the damage and return the woman to life.

Claire’s car gets stolen after she left it unlocked, which her dad uses as a metaphor for the larger problems at hand. He warns her that she’s freer there than she would be if she were to be found out.

Mrs. Petrelli is being questioned by the police, and Parkman learns the motive for the murder of Hiro’s father was revenge. She then gets attacked out of nowhere and hands over the photo of herself, which contains the same symbol.

Peter gets blackmailed into helping settle the score over the problems that will be caused by him attacking the guys who came after Caitlin. In exchange for his assistance, he’ll get everything that was on him when they found him.

Hiro promises to make Takezo the hero the swordsmimth’s daughter sees. As soon as they step outside, Takezo gets shot and dies. Until Hiro figures out how to heal him that is.

It doesn’t take the Haitian long to find Claire’s dad.

Thinking about what her teacher said about pinky toes not being necessary, Claire cuts hers off, hoping it will regenerate, which it does. Obviously, she does this in front of an open window with West watching. He leaves the book he had earlier and takes off, and that’s where chapter 2 ends.

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