Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Some Reviews Two Weeks in

From the Balitimore Sun:

..after an hour of Claire stamping her feet and being whiney, the teen
angst finally pays off with one of the best moments of the new TV season. While
giving herself a pedicure with Mr. Muggles, Claire decides it’s totally a good
idea to cut off her pinky toe — just to see if it will grow back. The gross-out
factor is coupled with a mini-freakout moment of "I’m never wearing open-toed
shoes again" before the computer graphics kick in. Of course, her floating
stalker is peeping through the window. Claire chases after him, but only Mr.
Muggles is smart enough to realize he’s overhead. No one ever heeds Mr.
It was Heroes at its best. If I had her powers, I would totally do
that. But with my luck, it wouldn’t grow back.

From ew.com:

And now, it seems everyone's favorite ex-cheerleader isn't the only one
blessed with insta-heal. After Hiro, posing as Kensei, ticked off some Japanese
warlords, they sought revenge by shooting a bunch of arrows into the real,
utterly wussy Kensei (played by Alias' Yankee-once-again-posing-as-Brit David
Anders). But no sooner had Hiro removed one of the arrows than the bloody wounds
closed up — a sight that made our time traveler very happy indeed. Now it's
possible that Hiro won't have to assume Kensei's identity after all. He'll just
teach him to embrace his power. Still, I'm convinced Hiro's gonna get the girl —
or at least steal a smooch or two. The way he looked at the lovely Eriko
Tamura's princess just made my hopelessly romantic heart melt. (And how he
stopped time to let fall a gorgeous cascade of cherry blossoms reminded me of
his equally breathtaking trick with the origami cranes for Charlie last season.
Oh, and I also loved it when Hiro asked a villager: ''Have you seen a scary
white man?'' Ha!)

(Personal note to all liberal talk-show producers: Hiro saying "Have you seen a scary white man".....PERFECT sound drop....you know where to put it.....!)

Ad little baba bing from the NJ Star Ledger:

Also, given the amount of time Milo Ventimiglia obviously spent in the gym
on hiatus, I'm sure shirtless, sweating and bound Peter wasn't an unpleasant
experience for a certain segment of the audience. After all the Nikki webcam
scenes from early last year, it seems only fair.

And from TV with MeeVee....whatever the hell that is.......

Few characters in the world of "Heroes" have inspired as much fascination and curiosity as the Haitian. At first a mute enemy, then an unexpected ally for Claire, he's a perfect example of what the show does best. Perpetually mysterious, each answer about the character provides another handful of questions. In other words, he's pretty spiffy.

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