Monday, November 3, 2008

Rumor of an upcoming MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH.....

















Sit down for this one, gang...

According to ODI, A MAJOR character may not be long for this world...

Yes I know many of you are still reeling from the news of two of the more popular writers leaving the show, but one of the common complaints across the board from fans and critics has been that there are too many characters and that they need to kill some off.

Well over the weekend we received some unconfirmed information that Masi Oka's character Hiro might be killed off the show before the end of the season!?

Now before you panic please continue reading, I do love Masi Oka and would hate to see him leave. Besides him being a fan favorite he is a great actor and is one of the core characters of the show. Unfortunately one common "complaint" by some fans has been Hiro's ability to teleport/time travel. Any time something bad happens on the show, fans are quick to say things like, "why can't Hiro go back and change the past or teleport here or there!?"

Time travel in TV or Movies is rarely done right so whenever it used in a story line I just sit back, watch and do not question what the writers are doing. Yes there are some basic rules and principles that have to followed, but the key is, the writer needs to make sure the viewers are aware of those rules so we do not question what can or can not be done. For example, with Hiro he now has a "moral code" that says he will not go back in time because he knows it can F up the future.

If the writers were to take such a bold step to kill off a fan favorite, well maybe they will be able to shore up the story and close some of those potential plot holes that can be created with time travel!?

NOTE: With production of Volume 4 already in the process, do not expect something like this to happen until much later in the season.

Like I said, we have not been able to confirm this information from our other sources, but we will keep you updated on any additional information we get.

UPDATE: Apparently Heroes creator Tim Kring confirmed something like this will INDEED happen before the end of season. Here is his quote, which he made at the Legacy Awards over the weekend:

"Someone you have come to know will not make it to the end of the season."
(From Watching Heroes)

What do you all think!? Would this be a good move!? Would NBC allow one of the "faces" of the show be killed off!? By the way, even if he was killed, would he be off the show for good!? Could this be a part of the "creative differences" between the writers of the show!?

1 comment:

Linda said...

I would be greatly disappointed if Hiro was killed. He is, afterall, my favorite character. However, I understand that he hasn't been much of a help to the storyline recently. I believe my husband saw a commercial last night where Arthur Petrelli was holding Hiro's head in his hand. Is this something you have seen as well?

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